Your love, your time - and your story - are the most valuable gifts you can give your family. Some individuals may pass on monetary legacies to future generations. However, the legacy most valuable by far is that of stories - stories that chronicle who we are, where we came from, what has shaped us as the human beings we are today, all the meanwhile reflecting how one values the life we live. We are richer, by far, for inheriting these stories, which will continue to resonate long after our time, and will allow future generations to have a visual feeling of who you were, and those gestures and expressions, which are uniquely "you." For many, being able to sit down with you and hear your voice again once you are gone, brings great comfort.
Memory Catcher captures your life story in the format of a personal video biography or audio biography, creating a lasting legacy for future generations.
Using industry standard, high definition cameras, and combining live interviews with photo montages and music, Memory Catcher creates video autobiographies that will take your breath away.

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